Funded projects, running:

FWF:  Nanoporous Cu for Biocatalysis (CuBiC)

TU Graz Lead Project: Porous Materials @ Work for Sustainability; Subproject P7: Direct electron transfer on nanoporous metal-enzyme hybrid electrodes; Subproject P8: MOFs on nanoporous metals as host systems for immobilization of enzymes with pollutant sensitivity

FFG: Additive manufacturing of permanent magnet materials (AddMag)

Funded projects, finished:

TU Graz Lead Project:  Porous Materials @ Work; Subproject P10: Application potentials of nanoporous metals in biocatalysis

FWF: In-situ magnetometry of nanoporous metals during dealloying and charging

FFG: Cluster Formation and Evolution in Al-Mg-Si alloys (MPPE-Cluster-A3.31)

FWF:  Defects and structural anisotropy in ultrafine-crystalline metals

FWF:  Free Volume in Bulk Metallic Glasses - A Kinetic Study by Time-Dependent Dilatometry

FWF:  Free volumes in nanocrystalline bulk metals

FWF:  Nanocrystalline metals and alloys: Cluster synthesis and tunable properties controlled by interfacial charging

FWF:  Defects and free volumes in nanocrystalline materials

FWF: Microwave plasma synthesis of oxide nanocomposites


Tel.: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 8481

TU Graz
Institut für Materialphysik
Petersgasse 16
8010 Graz  
