Current and finished PhD theses of the Wilkening group
currently running PhD theses
- Anna Jodlbauer, Li ion dynamics in thiophosphates and composites involving Li2S; conductors with two mobile cations
- Thomas Scheiber, Li and F dynamics in nanocrystalline materials and LiBH4-based nano-composites
- Jonas Spychala, Li and H dynamics in energy materials (antiperovskites and thiophosphates, such as Li3PS4)
- Florian Stainer, Two-dimensional ion conductors, ternary halides and garnets; Na-ion conductors based on the NaSICON framework
- Annika Marko, Nancrystalline Li2S; new Na-ion conductors with ultrafast cation dynamics, Al-bearing sulfides and thiophosphates
- Kento Uchida, guest PhD student: Ag compounds
finished theses (2014 - 2021)
We thank the CDG, the EU (H2020) and the FFG for financial support.
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