SurPASS Electrokinetic Analyzer from Anton Paar with the following specifications is at our disposal.
Measurment ranges: streaming potential from -2000 to +2000 mV; streaming current from -200 to +200 μA; cell resistance from 5 Ω to 20 MΩ; pressure measurement from -1 to 1 bar; pH value from 2 to 12; conductivity from 0.005 to 1000 mS/m; temperature 20 to 30 °C; flow rate from 10 to 300 mL/min.
Sample size requirements for the clamping cell: min. 55 mm x 25 mm, thickness < 30 mm; for the cylindrical cell: particle size > 25 μm; for the adjustable gabcell: disks with 14 mm or 15 mm in diameter