Welcome at the Institute of Biochemistry

©TU Graz 2019

The Institute of Biochemistry at the Graz University of Technology focuses on basic research questions in the field of protein biochemistry and is tightly connected to local groups addressing questions in protein structural analyses, protein technologies and biocatalysis. The institutes mission is to understand biological processes at the molecular level using an integrative structure-function analysis approach. Currently, emphasis is put on three major research areas: mechanisms of enzyme function in biosynthetic pathways, computational protein design and allosteric regulation mechanisms in sensor-effector systems.



Yesterday, the Niemetz truck made a stop at TU Graz – and suddenly, there were Schwedenbomben everywhere!
A sweet surprise and just another day at the Institute of Biochemistry. 
Thanks to our works council for organizing this.


Meet our visiting researcher, Allon Hochbaum! Since summer 2024, he has been part of the Protein Design group at the Institute for Biochemistry at TU Graz.

Allon’s home lab at University of California, Irvine, focuses on electronic conductivity in natural and synthetic protein wires, as well as technologies to measure microbial metabolism for health, bio-energy, and environmental applications. Here in Graz, he is applying computational approaches to design synthetic versions of these conductive microbial protein wires.

Allon and his family have embraced life in Graz, enjoying both the scientific environment at IBC and the opportunity to explore Austria and its neighboring countries.

We’re thrilled to have him on board!


Markus Braun is one of our University Project Assistant in the Research Group Protein Design/AG Oberdorfer.

Markus is currently in the U.S. for a research stay at Stanford's Department of Biochemistry, supported by a Marshall Plan Scholarship. His project focuses on uncovering the geometric and energetic principles behind the catalytic mechanisms of natural enzymes. The insights gained will help develop novel, tailor-made enzymes for industrial applications.

Markus will remain in the U.S. until summer 2025 before returning to the Institute of Biochemistry at TU Graz to complete his PhD. We wish him a fantastic and inspiring time abroad and know he will gain many valuable experiences along the way!


FWF principal investigator project on red-light regulated phosphatases awarded to Andreas Winkler, our Associate Professor and deputy head of the Institut of Biochemistry.
You can find more information here: FWF-Project

New opportunities for MSc, PhD and Post-Doc candidates - if interested, please contact Andreas Winkler (andreas.winkler@tugraz.at).


We would like to congratulate Gabriela Shickle on fininshing her master’s thesis „Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Integration in blue light-regulated Diguanylate Cyclases“! Gabriela worked in the group of Andreas Winkler. She is pictured with Miriam Huber (left on the picture), also a master student at the Institute of Biochemistry.

Gabriela, we wish you all the best!


Since September 1, 2023, Christoph Schaffer has been part of our team at the Institute of Biochemistry, where he is training to become a laboratory technician. With his dedication, curiosity, and enthusiasm, he is already a valuable addition to our team.

We are especially proud that the latest issue of „ZAK“, the magazin of Arbeitskammer Steiermark, features several apprentices from TU Graz, including „our“ Christoph.

We are excited to support Christoph on his journey and look forward to seeing him grow in his role!


Institute of Biochemistry             Petersgasse 12/2, 8010 Graz                

Phone: (+43) (0)316 873 6451               

E-Mail: office.ibcnoSpam@tugraz.at

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