The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology 2024 (ESS-HPT 2024)

Date:    7 - 20 July 2024

Online Phase: 22 July – 23 August 2024

Place: TU Graz University of Technology, Austria

Time Schedule

This year's Book of Abstracts can be found here (ERASMUS+ BIP ESS-HPT 2024) or directly downloaded here.

The institute is very active for many years in different activities supported by ERASMUS+ and CEEPUS (see TU4U\CEEPUS and CEEPUS-folder).

© TU Graz


Initiated by the members of the EFCE Working Party “High Pressure Technology” an Intensive Course Programme for High Pressure Technology has been established in 1995. Until 2007 the programme was financially supported in the frame of SOCRATES and since 2008 by Life Long Learning.

In ERASMUS+ this very successful intensive course programmes were not included since 2015 until 2022. But the members of the Working Party decided to continue this 2-week intensive course as EFCE Intensive Course “The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology, ESS-HPT”, because there is an increasing need of well-educated engineering staff in high pressure technologies. For the period 2015 – 2022 this summer school was organised by Graz University of Technology and the University of Maribor, Slovenia, every year at the beginning of July.

Since 2023 this summer school is funding by ERASMUS+ BIP (Blended Intensive Program). Unfortunately, it cannot be organised at 2 different places, especially 2 different countries. Thus this 2-week summer school takes place only at Graz University of Technology, Austria.

Since 2001 Prof. Thomas Gamse has organised this intensive Course Programme with enthusiasm and success. At present 17 universities from 12 European countries as well as 2 companies are involved.

History file of the Intensive Course Programme “High Pressure Technology”:

Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Course "Current Trends in High Pressure Technology and Chemical Engineering"
1995                           Monselice , France
1996                           Nancy , France
7.4.-11.4.1997            Erlangen, Germany

Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Course "High Pressure Technology in the Process and Chemical Industry"
16.6. - 26.6.1999        Abano Terme, Italy
1.7. - 11.7.2000          Valladolid, Spain
25.6. - 6.7.2001          Maribor, Slovenia/Graz, Austria

Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Course "High Pressure Chemical Engineering Processes: Basics and Applications"
27.6. - 7.7.2002          Graz, Austria/Maribor, Slovenia
26.6. - 6.7.2003          Budapest, Hungary
11.7.- 22.7.2004         Barcelona, Spain

Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Course HPCEP - IP "Basics, Developments, Research and Industrial Applications in High Pressure Chemical Engineering Processes"
9.6. – 20.6.2005          Prague, Czech Republic
8.7. – 22.7.2006          Lisbon, Portugal
8.7. – 21.7.2007          Albi, France

Life Long Learning INTENSIVE PROGRAM SCF-GSCE "Supercritical Fluids - Green Solvents in Chemical Engineering"
6.7. – 20.7.2008          Thessaloniki, Greece
26.6. – 10.7.2009        Istanbul, Turkey
1.7. – 17.7.2010          Budapest, Hungary

EFCE Intensive Course "High Pressure Technology - From Basics to Industrial Applications"
3.7. – 20.7.2011          Belgrade, Serbia

Life Long Learning INTENSIVE PROGRAM PIHPT “Process Intensification by High Pressure Technologies – Actual Strategies for Energy and Resources Conservation
1.7. – 18.7.2012          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
30.6. – 17.7.2013        Darmstadt, Germany
29.6. – 16.7.2014        Glasgow, United Kingdom

EFCE Intensive Course ESS-HPT “The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology
5.7. – 19.7.2015          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
3.7. – 17.7.2016          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
2.7. – 16.7.2017          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
8.7. – 22.7.2018          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
7.7. – 21.7.2019          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria
14.9. – 28.10.2021      Online Course, Graz, Austria
3.7. – 17.7.2022          Maribor, Slovenia and Graz, Austria

ERASMUS+ BIP ESS-HPT 2023 "The European Summer School in High Presssure Technology"
9.7. – 22.7.2023          Graz, Austria

ERASMUS+ BIP ESS-HPT 2024 "The European Summer School in High Presssure Technology"
7.7. – 20.7.2024 Graz, Austria

Here you can find the book of abstracts from previous summer schools in ESS-HPT

The institute is very active in the field of teaching staff mobility, supported by ERASMUS. Within these mobility programme the teachers are mutualy involved in lectures of the regular curricula of the partner universities. Prof. Thomas Gamse has initiated cooperations with Prof. Paolo Alessi from University of Trieste, Italy, Prof. Maria Jose Cocero from University of Valladolid, Spain, and Prof. Can Erkey, KOC University Istanbul, Turkey. In 2010 Prof. Marcus Petermann from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and in 2013 Prof. Edit Szekely, from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary joined the task force.

Student mobility is a highlight in academic education. An increasing number of ERASMUS students from different European universities perform their bachelor, master and diploma theses at our institute.

Thomas Gamse
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
+43 316 873 - 7477

Bettina Koch

Tel. +43 (316) 873 - 7461
Fax +43 (316) 873 - 107461


Jutta Freißmuth

Tel. +43 (316) 873 - 7462
Fax +43 (316) 873 - 107462


Brigitte Hammer

Tel. +43 (316) 873 - 8781
Fax +43 (316) 873 - 108781