BPTI/TUG DocDays VT 2021

The annual DocDay VT 2021

is a mini conference type event, intended to provide a forum for the PhD's to present their research and / or research proposals in order to get a feedback from fellow colleagues and expand their connection network with other PhDs, PostDocs and Professors active in our Doctoral School.

In accordance with the "Curriculum for the Doctoral Programme in Technical or Natural Sciences" in the version of 2019, and is in force since October 2020, all PhDs are required to present their research proposal and their work schedule publicly in the first year of their PhD studies. This public presentation is scheduled during the DocDay VT.

It is strongly advisable the PhDs participate in this event and their participation is active (i.e. submission of an abstract for oral or poster presentation). It will allow them to gain credits for their PhD studies, as a presentation will count for the completition of the course 669.007 "DissertantInnenseminar / PhD student's seminar", which is a compulsory course in our doctoral programmes.


DocDay VT 2021 Program

7:30 - 7:55



7:55 - 8:00

Welcome/Opening Session


8:00 - 9:30

Research Proposals – Session A          Chairing: Prof. Stefan Radl

HS i8


Upcycling of waste streams by Adrian Leonhard Drescher


Complexity reduction for planning, simulation, optimization, and control of district heating systems by Başak Falay


Combating degradation phenomena in PEM fuel cells by Mathias Heidinger


Software Solutions for the Modelling of Flows involving Viscoelastic Pastes by Michael Mascara


Process development for advanced biofuels production in the context of circular economy by Maximilian Neubauer


Modelling of Polymers for Innovative Process & Product Integration in the Semiconductor Industry by Philipp Mayr

8:00 - 9:30

Research Proposals – Session B          Chairing: Prof. Ulrich Hirn

HS i9


Design and construction of laboratory scale crystallizers using additive manufacturing by Nico Nys


Analytical Methods and Process Optimization for Kraft Cooks of different Wood Sources by Roman Poschner


Cellulose light-weight materials – from 2D models to low density foams by Jana Bianca Schaubeder


Association of Structural Isomeric Mixtures by Gottfried Segner


Deposition of starch particles in a cyclone and its influence in separation efficiency by Paulo Eduardo Slapnig


Spray Drying of Biopharmaceuticals by Johanna Dieplinger

9:30 - 9:45

Coffee Break HS i9

9:45 - 10:45

Session 1 – Mechanics and Mechanical Processing Engineering

Chairing: Prof. Heidrum Gruber-Wölfler

HS i8


Burgers Relation in Bonded Particle Model for Characterization of Viscoelastic Materials by Michael Mascara


Influence of the Displacement Rate on Longitudinal Modulus of Single Cellulosic Fibres by Marko Žižek


Vibratory mixing of pharmaceutical powders in an individualized-on demand small-scale tablet production framework by Andreas Kottlan

10:45 - 11:15

Poster Session – Coffee Break

HS i9

11:15 - 12:15

Session 2 – Energy Processes

Chairing: Prof. Stefan Spirk

HS i8


Efficient Carbon Supported Anode/Cathode Catalysts for the Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell by Sigrid Wolf


The impact of hydrogen sulfide contaminations in chemical looping hydrogen production by Bernd Stoppacher


Electrode Development and Single Cell Tests in Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells by Michaela Roschger

12:15 - 13:00

Lunch Break


12:45 - 13:00

Q&A Administrative Aspects of the Doctoral Studies

Prof. Stefan Radl

HS i8

13:00 - 14:00

Session 3 – Multi-Phase

Chairing: Prof. Viktor Hacker

HS i8


Deep Neural Network-based view factor modelling in polydisperse particle beds including walls by Josef Franz Viktor Tausendschön


Solvent phase screening for the reactive liquid-liquid extraction of lactic acid from sweet sorghum silage by Paul Demmelmayer


Multiphase Operations in the Taylor-Couette Disc Contactor by Georg Rudelstorfer

14:00 - 14:30

Keynote Presentation – Daniel Treffer

My journey from Ph.D. student to internationally operating enterpreneur

HS i8

14:30 - 15:00

Poster Session – Coffee Break

HS i9

15:00 - 16:00

Session 4 – Industrial Process Engineering

Chairing: Prof. Thomas Wallek

HS i8


Focus Variation Technology as a Tool for Tissue Surface Characterization by Jürgen Reitbauer


Direct reduction of mineral iron carbonate with hydrogen by Astrid Loder


Tensor-based Coarse-Graining Method by Zorica Ristić


Farewell/Closing Session & Best Abstract Award

HS i9

16:30 - 21:00

Social Event - Barbeque


Poster Session

  • Understanding the Mixing Mechanism in Twin Screw Extruder Elements with Lagrangian Coherent Structures by Hannes Bauer
  • Enabling Large-Scale Dynamic Simulations and Reducing Model Complexity of District Heating and Cooling Systems by Aggregation by Başak Falay
  • Discrete Element Modelling of Strongly Deformed Particles in Simple Shear Flows by Nazanin Ghods
  • Polyaniline Coated Catalysts for Production of Durable Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells by Maximilian Grandi
  • Carbon Dioxide Utilization for the Production of Hydrogen based Energy Carriers by Sascha Kleiber
  • Regimes of Subsonic Compressible Flow in Gas-Particle Systems by Jelena Mačak
  • Process Intensification in Continuous Crystallization – Encrustation Mitigation Strategies for Tubular Plug Flow Crystallizers by Alexander Meister
  • Feeding Starches with an Integrated Vibrating Feeder-Hopper by Paulo Slapnig
  • Comparison of Self-Optimization Algorithms for Synthesis of APIs in Continuous Flow by Sebastian Soritz
  • Advancing Solutions for the Implementation of Biocatalysts in Continuous Flow by Alessia Valotta

For organising purposes we are kindly asking all non-presenting visitors to register latest untill July 5th 2021 (00:00 CET) by sending an email to Alexander Maaß.

Date and location DocDay VT 2021

Monday, July 12th 2021

Inffeldgasse 13, 8010 Graz
