SBE19 Graz


The detailed program including session details is available here.


The following contributions of our keynote-speakers will complete the scientific program of SBE19 Graz:

1.5C climate change - what are the implications for the built environment?
    Prof. Dr. Diana ÜRGE-VORSATZ, Department of Environmental Sciences and
    Policy at the Central European University, Budapest; Vice Chair of Working
    Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Supporting, Challenging, Advising: Building Policy in the Light of Climate Change
    MinDirig Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Lothar FEHN KRESTAS, head of the department of
    Building, Construction Industry and Federal Buildings at the Federal Ministry of
   the Interior, Building and Community

Sustainability Assessment of Buildings in the Focus of EU-Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance
     Ursula HARTENBERGER, RICS Head of Sustainability

Building Related Environmental Impacts - the Hidden Aspect
     Dr. Peter HOLZER, Institute of Building Research & Innovation ZT GmbH

SBE19 Graz Highlights
     Richard LORCH, Editor in Chief Journal Buildings & Cities

From Challenge to Mission - Make Sustainable Cities a Reality
     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger WALLBAUM, Chalmers University of Technology


SDGs related to the built environment and their implementation are a central focus of SBE19 Graz and the SBE conference series. The rst conference day, the pre-conference, speci cally addresses the SDGs (especially SDG 11 and SDG 13) and the universities‘ role in achieving them. The aim of the day is to connect the D-A-CH countries in their efforts and learning from each other. Three workshops will provide possibilites to connect: the SDG workshop focussing on universities‘ contributions, the Climate Change Roundtable, and the SBE Roundtable discussing SDG11.

Special Sessions

Next generation nZEBs
Buildings 1 and Buildings 2
Tobias Weiß, AEE INTEC, Austria

Management of Complexity in Sustainable Construction
Processes 1
Helmuth Kreiner, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Urban Resource Management
Cities 1
Philip Leistner, Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Building Optimization Workflows
Processes 2
Martin Röck, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Alexander Hollberg, ETH Zürich, Switzerland; Benedek Kiss, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary

Resource efficient buildings - EPD for construction products: End-of-Life information
Building Design 4 
Wolfram Trinius, Trinius GmbH; Eva Schmincke, external to Thinkstep AG, Germany

Urban Green Infrastructure and Re-naturing Cities
Cities 3
Vera Enzi & Susanne Formanek Innovation Laboratory GRÜNSTATTGRAU Vienna, Austria

Sustainable Use of Resources in Urban Planning
Buildings 5
Flora Szkordilisz, University of Debrecen, Hungarian Urban Knowledge Centre, Hungary

Environmental benchmarks of buildings
Buildings 6
Damien Trigaux, Karen Allacker, KU Leuven; Wim Debacker, EnergyVille, Belgium

Special Fora

Level(s) and its place in the tool box for sustainable construction
Andreas Rietz, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany
Special Guest: Josefina Lindblom, DG Environment, European Commission
Moderation: Thomas Lützkendorf, KIT

"Die 3 Schwestern in der Seestadt Aspern Bauplatz D22" – Paradebeispiel für nachhaltiges Wohnen
Natürlicher Baustoff Ziegel als ideale Voraussetzung für wohngesundes Bauen und Wohnen
Moderation: Fachjournalistin Mag. Sabine Müller-Hofstetter
In German language

CONDEREFF - European project regarding construction & demolition waste
Improve environment and resource efficiency and enhance reuse
Land Steiermark - A14 Abfallwirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit

Implementing BWR 7 "Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" in Europe
Peter Maydl, TU Graz, Consulting Engineer “Sustainable Engineering”

The role of background databases in the environmental assessments of buildings: what is the way forward?
ecoinvent Association

Certified Sustainability: Should the VinylPlus® Product Label be Integrated in Existing Sustainability Label Schemes for Buildings?
Heinz G. Schratt, PlasticsEurope Austria, industry spokesperson for all plastics, representative of VinylPlus®

EPD thought through to the end?
Proposals how to deal with the modules C and D in Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
Dr. Eva Schmincke, Thinkstep AG Tübingen and Prof. Thomas Lützkendorf, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Beton als Baustoff - wieviel ist uns Nachhaltigkeit wert?
Bewertung, Kosten und Mehrwert von Stahlbeton für Infrastrukturbauleistungen
Joachim Juhart, TU Graz, Institut für Materialprüfung und Baustofftechnologie
In German language

Plastics in Sustainable Building & Living: Protection of Health and the Environment
International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)

Was leistet grüne Infrastruktur in stark verdichteten Städten und wie lässt sie sich weiter ausbauen?
Handlungsspielräume zur Erhaltung lebenswerter und kooperativ genutzter Städte
green.LAB Graz Projektkonsortium
In German language

Holzbau im urbanen Raum – eine Chance für Städte?
Holzcluster Steiermark
In German language

Technical Tour

The detailed program for the Technical Tour on Saturday is now available!

Conference Secretariat

Graz University of Technology 
Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials 
Working Group Sustainable Construction