Camera-ready Instructions

Instructions to prepare camera-ready versions of your papers only apply for accepted contributed papers. Accepted feedback track submissions will be invited for presentation (see presentation instructions), but will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Once you have updated your paper to reflect the remarks and comments of the reviewers, upload the camera-ready paper (and, if applicable, the supplementary material) via the CVWW 2025 CMT submission system. The deadline for uploading the camera-ready version of your paper is January 27, 2025.

In addition to the camera-ready paper, you also have to upload the signed publishing agreement (download here), which confirms that no copyright-protected material was included and that the paper will be licensed under CC BY 4.0.

To create the camera-ready version, you simply have to change the style option within the template (see the provided author kit) from




This will show all the authors and suppress the page numbers (and ruler). Check that the authors and their affiliations are shown correctly and that the paper length does not exceed 8 pages (additional pages containing references and acknowledgements are ok).

Supplementary Material

If you submit a supplementary material (PDF) for inclusion in the proceedings, please use the LaTeX command


to render the supplementary material title page as defined by the author kit.

If you prefer to have a single bibliography and use cross-references between main manuscript and the supplementary material, you can compile a single camera-ready PDF with the following structure:

    % 1) Content of your main manuscript
        % ...
    % 2) Bibliography
    % 3) Supplementary
        % ...