Your TU Graz card gives you access to buildings outside opening hours. To the step-by-step guide.
Rechbauerstraße 12, ground floor
Room ATEG136
8010 Graz
+43 316 873 - 6560
Occasionally, an event may take place at learning locations. You can check the availability of learning venues in TUGRAZonline: Search room > tab ‘Administration’ > Timetable.
As a user of the learning spaces, we ask for your feedback. In this way, you help us to continuously improve the space we offer and the quality of the learning spaces.
Click here for the questionnaire (approx. 5 min).
The main library offers additional study and work spaces during opening hours. All bookable rooms of the library.
In addition to the learning spaces equipped by TU Graz, there are some drawing studios (self-administered learning communities of students).
Directions and maps of the campus areas at TU Graz.