BSCG/Test Benches/Batman and Robin


(BAttery Testing, Monitoring And CycliNg)

The test bench designed at the Institute, with specially programmed cyclization software, allows charging of batteries with a nominal power of 10 kW, a discharging unit allows discharging with 4.8 kW, both in a range of 0-80 V and 0-340 A. The charging unit BATMAN and the clamping device ROBIN allow the fast charging and discharging of batteries with simultaneous temperature detection and under controlled mechanical pre-load.


(RObust Battery CondItioning and ClampiNg Device)

A semi-automated clamping device is used to charge and discharge cells or modules under controlled mechanical preload (max. 20 kN). Charging and discharging as well as data acquisition is performed by BATMAN and provides detailed information about the battery behavior during the charging or discharging process.


Temperature Detection:
Type-K: -75…260°C IEC 584 Class 1
PT100 -20…100°C IEC 751 Class 1
Voltage Measurements (0...60 V and 0...10 V)
CAN Interface