Seminar "Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences" summer semester 2025

The first talk will be on 

Wednesday, 5.3.2025, 17:00-18:00
Hörsaal BE01, Steyrergasse 30

Dr. Moritz Hartmann (DLR, Geesthacht): Time-domain Galerkin BEM for wave-body interaction in ship hydrodynamics Recent developments and outlining of tasks for 3D implementation

The list of presentations as pdf-File is to be found here!

Seminar Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences

We cordially invite to the following presentations of the Seminar Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences!

The list of presentations (October -  December 2024) in PDF-format is provided here.

30.10.2024, 17:15 lecture hall BE01 Steyrergasse 30

Space-time finite element methods: Foundations and applications

The presentation is given by Dr. Richard Löscher (Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Graz)

6.11.2024, 17:15 lecture hall BE01 Steyrergasse 30

A topological-shape derivative and automated code generation for topology optimization

The presentation is given by Dr. Michael Gfrerer (Institute of Applied Mechanics, TU Graz)

27.11.2024, 17:15 lecture hall Steyrergasse 30

Viscous acoustics on moving domains for MEMS applications

The presentation is given by Dr. Dominik Mayrhofer (Institute of Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering, TU Graz)

11.12.2024, 17:15 lecture hall BE01 Steyrergasse 30

Transient simulation of beam structures with clearances

The presentation is given by Dipl.–Ing. Thomas Thaller (Institute of Mechanics, TU Graz)

Selected past events

February 28, 2023, 9:00--12:00, Stremayrgasse 16, ground floor, BMTEG138,  8010 Graz
GCCE PostDoc Meeting

May 20, 2022, 17:00-23:00
Lange Nacht der Forschung

Contact Details
The organizer of the events listed is either the Graz Center of Computational Engineering or one of its associated institutes. For further information on a specific event, please contact the corresponding organizer. The related contact details can be found by clicking on the institute's symbol next to the event of interest.