7th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering

7th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering


Key topics: • Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing• Continuous manufacturing• PAT for continuous manufacturing• Regulatory aspects of continuous manufacturing For further information, please follow this link

IPPT will present @ "Lange Nacht der Forschung"

The Virtual Sandbox @ Lange Nacht der Forschung


Interact with the box during the initiative "Lange Nacht der Forschung" on Friday, April 22nd 2016 in Stremayrgasse 16, 1st floor, Seminarraum 046, Graz. We start at 5 p.m. till late (~11.30 p.m.), for DETAILS CLICK HERE. 

The Sandox Team

IPPT @ TU Graz' Open House Event


The IPPT (Working Group "Simulation Science") presented the project "The Virtual Sandbox" at TU Graz' Open House event on March 31st. You can find more details related to this project VIA THIS LINK.

[Translate to Englisch:] Andreas mit Promotionsurkunde und LIGGGHTS-Logo

Promotion Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Andreas Eitzlmayr


Andreas Eitzlmayr, a former project assistant at our institute, was awarded the "Promotion Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis. Our institute congratulates, and thanks Andreas for his work within the LIGGGHTS(R) project! More details can be found HERE.

WRAP UP OpenFOAM® User Meeting 10


PFAU X - Multiphysics and Coupling

PFAU X - Austria's OpenFOAM® User Meeting


The Institute for Process and Particle Technology is pleased to host “PFAU X” (Palaver OpenFOAM Users Austria - the Austrian User Group). The meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. in Lecture Room “HS i8” Inffeldgasse 13, TU Graz PFAU meetings are informal, and…

7th International Berlin Workshop (IBW 7) on Transport Phenomena with Moving Boundaries and More, Berlin, 30.-31.10.2014


During this event, Prof. Khinast holds the Keynote Lecture „From Multiphase DNS to Large-scale Bioreactor Models”. Details: http://www.inprompt.tu-berlin.de/ibw7/program_info.html

2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering, TU Hamburg, 24.-27.9.2014


Prof. Khinast is represented with the Keynote Lecture “Pharmaceutical Engineering: Engineering the manufacturing processes for the drugs of the future”. Details: http://www.processnet.org/MMPE14

PSSRC Meeting, Ljubljana, 16.-17.9.2014


Prof. John Khinast acts as Chair of the session "Process understanding and monitoring methods". More information about the meeting: http://pssrc2014.si/

EuPAT 2015


Prof. John Khinast succeeded EUPAT to get to Graz in 2015. On 18 and 19 May 2015, this international conference will take place at the TU Graz. Details about registration and program can be found here: http://www.cvent.com/events/eupat-7/event-summary-7ce198e18bbd46939cc1b792e1d0efee.aspx