Sondierung Smarte Modernisierung Terrassenhaussiedlung

Prof. Brian Cody, Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Eberl, Dipl.-Ing. Edina Majdanac

The exploratory study Smart Modernization Terraced Housing Estate - SONTE aims at developing a general decision support for the assessment of modernization possibilities of participatively designed existing residential buildings. The Terraced House Estate Graz-St. Peter serves as a development and test field at the same time. The development of the guideline will be demonstrated by the example of the housing estate and extended to other residential buildings. The focus of the work is on a comprehensive, holistic approach that includes ecological and social aspects.

The Terrassenhaussiedlung in Graz-St. Peter is the largest contiguous and internationally best known housing estate in Styria. At the same time it is the largest owner-management unit in Austria with over 500 apartments and more than 1500 inhabitants. After more than 40 years of use of the housing estate, the issue of smart modernisation in terms of an energetic, sustainable orientation is to be assessed. The progressive character in the construction of the terraced house settlement holds a high potential for an integrative modernisation concept. The innovative approach of the participatory involvement of the residents in the further development of social housing is unique so far. Using modern participation methods, the existing resident community is reactivated, networked with important actors and intensively involved in the development of the smart modernisation concept. Thematically, the focus is on buildings and energy, green and open space, urban mobility as well as information and communication as relevant fields of action. This enables the necessary consideration of the settlement as a complete system with regard to the energy, structural and social structure. Through the strong interaction and networking of the individual areas, the optimisation of the individual solutions is achieved.


March 1, 2017 –May 31, 2018


Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, FFG (Klima- und Energiefonds)


Smart Cities Demo


Institut für Wohnbauforschung, Graz (Koordinator)

StadtLABOR Graz

NEXT Vertriebs- und Handels GmbH, Graz

Haus der Architektur – HDA, Graz

Karoline Kreimer-Hartmann, Mag.

Eugen Gross, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt

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