Office of IEE.
Text "Second Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics" on abstract picture.

Second Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics


Sonja Wogrin as speaker at the Second Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics

Lia Gruber in front of a purple wall with a green "Energy" slogan.
© Lunghammer – TU Graz

Lia Gruber - Das "Powerhouse" am Campus Inffeldgasse


Introduction of Lia Gruber in the Planet Research Magazine of the TU Graz.

Monitor with InfraTrans2040 lettering. A plant is in the foreground.
© IEE, TU Graz

InfraTrans2040 - Project presentation Advisory Board


The InfraTrans2040 project was presented to the extended project advisory board today in an online meeting.

Pictures of the e&i magazine on a desk.
© IEE, TU Graz

Publications in the e&i magazine


The latest issue of e&i magazine includes a study on achieving Austria's wind targets and a literature review on energy communities.

Group photo after the defense of Mr. Backe.

Defense of the doctoral thesis of Mr. Stian Backe


Sonja Wogrin as oppenent at Stian Backe's defense at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Logo of the project START2030.
© IEE, TU Graz

Expert workshop project START2030


START2030 online workshop on coupling models and locating future renewable generation.

Picture of a stage with people standing on it.
© IEE, TU Graz

Conference Renewable Energy Carinthia 2021


The IEE was represented at the Renewable Energy Carinthia 2021 Conference.

Picture of David Cardona Vasquez.
© IEE, TU Graz

New employee David Cardona Vasquez


David Cardona Vasquez started as a new university assistant at IEE on November 2nd.

Two monitors with presentation on them.
© IEE, TU Graz

Project InfraTrans2040 - Kick-Off-Meeting


Kick-off for the InfraTrans2040 project to research scenarios and expansion plans for a sustainable economic system in Austria.

Sonja Wogrin at he lecture room.
© ETIT, TU Graz

Inaugural Lecture Sonja Wogrin


Sonja Wogrin gave her inaugural lecture at the 5th Faculty Day.


Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910