High voltage overhead power lines are an essential component of the supply infrastructure. Systems to monitor the state of the supply net are essential to provides 24/7 operational service. Ongoing research of EMT covers work on condition monitoring of high voltage overhead power lines. Especially the detection of natural ice accretion is essential for the continuous operation in cold weather and alpine regions.

Figure 1: Capacitive ice sensing system for monitoring of ice accretion on overhead power lines. The sensor transmits the raw measurement data to a base station via radio frequency communication. Based on the capacitive readouts, information about the state of ice accretion is extracted for severity analysis.
The operation of sensors on high voltage lines is marked by several technical issues regarding the operational safety. Figure 1 depicts a system concept for a condition monitoring system for high voltage lines. Beside the measurement electronics, the system has to provide communication as well as power supply. All these components have to work under the environmental conditions on the power line, e.g. extreme weather conditions, amient temperature, etc..