Open Student Projects, Bachelor and Master Theses at the Institute of Machine Learning and Neural Computation

We are looking for highly motivated students who want to participate, during their Bachelor/Master Project and/or Thesis, in research on areas of machine learning, deep learning, and brain-inspired paradigms for computing and learning. Concete topics for Bachelor theses (B), seminar projects (P), Master theses (M) are listed below. Topics can be specialized further in discussion with the student, in order to accomodate prior knowledge and interests.

Project Topic Type Contact
Learning compact codes for prediction B/P/M Robert Legenstein
Learning models for reinforcement learning B/P/M Robert Legenstein
Predictive learning with SNNs B/P/M Robert Legenstein
Learning with random weights B/P/M Robert Legenstein
SNNs with adaptive leaky integrate-and-fire neurons B/P/M Robert Legenstein
Leveraging Logical Circuits in Probabilistic Programming Lang. P/M Robert Peharz, Thomas Wedenig
Artificial Architectural Intelligence: Generating 3D Geometries with Diffusion Models P/M Robert Legenstein, Ozan Özdenizci

Institute of Machine Learning and Neural Computation
Inffeldgasse 16b/I
8010 Graz

Phone: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 5811

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Robert Legenstein