
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Klaus Witrisal

Foto: TU Graz Frankl

Klaus Witrisal received the Ph.D. degree (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2002, and the Habilitation from Graz University of Technology in 2009. He is currently a Full Professor at Graz University of Technology, head of the Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications, and head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Location-aware Electronic Systems. He has been participating in a wide range of national and international research projects with industrial and academic partners, focusing on radiocommunication systems in the context of 5G/6G networks and the IoT. His research interests are in signal processing for wireless communications, propagation channel modeling, and positioning. 
Klaus Witrisal served as an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letters and of the KICS/IEEE Journal of Communications and Networks, co-chair of the TWG “Indoor” of the COST Action IC1004, co-chair of the EWG “Localisation and Tracking” of the COST Action CA15104, leading chair of the IEEE Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN), and TPC (co)-chair of the Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC).