
Membranes in biorefineries


IEA IETS Task 17 - Online workshop

We kindly invite you to participate in our online Workshop on IEA IETS Task 17 “Membranes in Biorefineries – Integration of emerging membrane separation processes in biorefineries for research, industry and decision-makers“.

The IEA IETS Annex 17 is intended to continue to strengthen the transfer of know-how between research and development in energy and resource efficient applications of membrane processes in biorefineries. The national task of Austria is embedded in your international efforts on Task 17 and is intended to strengthen the Austrian research landscape through network activities in the field of biorefineries.

The workshop focuses on two main topics:

  1. Recovery of valuable volatile compounds using new membranes
  2. Membrane reactors and novel modules

Following two keynotes and seminars on membrane materials, membrane distillation, membrane contactors, and membrane modules, the workshop will continue with three break-out sessions where discussions are intensified and novel ideas on integration concepts of membranes in biorefineries will be elaborated and discussed. The workshop outcome will be collected and published in our new and updated guideline.

Date: September 18th, 2024 08:00 - 17:00 (UTC+2)

Location: online

More information

Registration link

We are looking forward to your registration and participation; the workshop is free of charge.

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