Paul Demmelmayer, Jia Wen Foo, Dominik Wiesler, Georg Rudelstorfer and Marlene Kienberger Reactive liquid-liquid extraction of lactic acid from microfiltered sweet sorghum silage press juice in an agitated extraction column using a hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent as modifier
Clemens Fink, Joel Mata Edjokola, Marijo Telenta and Merit Bodner Modeling of Catalyst Degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Applied to Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
Alexander Kaufmann, Lars Häcker, Jacob Michael Mayer, Hansjörg Weber and Marlene Kienberger Characterization of Camphene- and Fenchol-Based Hydrophobic Eutectic Solvents and Their Application in Aldehyde Extraction
Sascha Kleiber, Andreas Böhm and Susanne Lux Effect of pressure on direct reduction of mineral iron carbonate with hydrogen
Florian Tritscher, Alexander Pranter, Fabio Blaschke, Werner Napetschnig, Maximilian Fuchs, Fabio Eduardo Machado Charry, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Thermal stability and microstructure of fluorine-free hydrophobic coatings of gas diffusion layers for fuel cell applications
Muhammad Yusro and Viktor Hacker Fabricating ultra-thin nanofiber structures towards advanced MEA of fuel cell: Investigation of degree of alignment, diameter, bead generation, and precision with Taguchi design
Joel Mata Edjokola, Mathias Heidinger, Amir Niroumand, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Chemical Oxidation-Induced Degradation in Gas Diffusion Layers for PEFC: Mechanisms and Performance Implications
Paul Demmelmayer, Marija Ćosić and Marlene Kienberger Mineral Acid Co-Extraction in Reactive Extraction of Lactic Acid Using a Thymol-Menthol Deep Eutectic Solvent as a Green Modifier
J. Deuerling, A. Alsalih, R. Nagl, T. Zeiner, J. U. Repke and M. Rädle Investigation of interfacial mass transfer phenomena applying non-invasive Raman imaging and density gradient theory
Lukas Fernando Roessler Escudero, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Adjusting the operating boundaries for the mitigation of SO2 crossover in sulphur depolarized electrolysers
Fabio Blaschke, Prabhu Prasad Biswal, Fabio Eduardo Machado Charry, Katharina Halper, Maximilian Fuchs, Roland Resel, Karin Zojer, Michael Lammer, Richard Hasso and Viktor Hacker Advancing Green Hydrogen Purity with Iron-Based Self-Cleaning Oxygen Carriers in Chemical Looping Hydrogen
Nico Nys, Lorenz Buchgraber, Peter Neugebauer, Matthew J. Jones and Heidrun Gruber-Woelfler Design and Characterization of a Novel Continuous Annular Gap Crystallizer
Eveline Kuhnert, Mathias Heidinger, Anna Bernroitner, Özge Kiziltan, Erwin Berger, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Fluoride emission rate analysis in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer cells
Alexander Kaufmann, Lukas Maier and Marlene Kienberger Solvent screening for the extraction of aromatic aldehydes
Joel Mata Edjokola, Marco Bogar, Maximilian Grandi, Rodolfo Taccani, Heinz Amenitsch, Marjan Marinšek, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Humidity-Induced Degradation Mapping of Pt3Co ORR Catalyst for PEFC by In-Operando Electrochemistry and Ex Situ SAXS.
R. Villablanca-Ahues, R. Nagl, T. Zeiner and P. Jaeger Interactions at the interfaces of the H2-brine-cement systems at elevated pressures for H2 storage
Rafaela Greil, Joevy Chai, Georg Rudelstorfer, Stefan Mitsche and Susanne Lux Water as a Sustainable Leaching Agent for the Selective Leaching of Lithium from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries
Fabio Blaschke, Marjan Bele, Spela Polak, Brigitte Bitschnau and Viktor Hacker Core-shell iron-based oxygen carrier material for highly efficient green hydrogen production by chemical looping
Fabio Blaschke, Marjan Bele, Brigitte Bitschnau and Viktor Hacker Stabilizing effect of support materials on iron-based oxygen carrier pellets for chemical looping hydrogen in long-term operation
Thomas Steiner, Kai Schulze, Norbert Kienzl, Magdalena Pauritsch, Viktor Hacker, Sebastian Bock, Alberto Abad, Robert Scharler and Andrés Anca-Couce Chemical looping of synthetic ilmenite, Part I: Addressing challenges of kinetic TGA measurements with H2
Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Innovative chemische Speichermedien für erneuerbare Energien
Adrian Drescher, Lisa Schwingshackl and Marlene Kienberger Identification of molecules from tomato plant residues using sustainable green chemicals
Hafiz Farooq Imtiaz A Framework for Upscaling of Emerging Chemical Processes Based on Thermodynamic Process Modeling and Simulation
Muhammad Yusro and Viktor Hacker Fabricating ultra-thin nanofiber structures towards the advanced MEA of fuel cells
Anna Jodlbauer, Jonas Spychala, Katharina Hogrefe, Bernhard Gadermaier and H. Martin R. Wilkening Fast Li Ion Dynamics in Defect-Rich Nanocrystalline Li4PS4I─The Effect of Disorder on Activation Energies and Attempt Frequencies
Sebastian Soritz, Nico Nys, Matteo Thierrichter, Lorenz Buchgraber, Richard Amering, Peter Neugebauer and Heidrun Gruber-Woelfler Development of a 3D Printed Flow Cell for Application as an In-line Optical Particle Analysis Tool
Kamonrat Suksumrit, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, Srett Santitharangkun and Susanne Lux Reduced Siderite Ore Combined with Magnesium Oxide as Support Material for Ni-Based Catalysts; An Experimental Study on CO2 Methanation
Fabio Blaschke Spaziergang im Science Garden
Fabio Blaschke, Richard Hasso and Viktor Hacker Unlocking synergistic effects of mixed ionic electronic oxygen carriers in ceramic-structured environments for efficient green hydrogen storage