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Clemens Wolf, Janine Maier, Julia Wenger, Georg Rudelstorfer, Christian Leypold, Julia Voglhuber-Höller, Matiss Reinfelds, Andrea Weiner, Arantza Muriana, Susanne Lux, Claudia Mair-Bauernfeind, Andreas Falk and Stefan Spirk Safe-and-sustainable-by-design redox active molecules for energy storage applications
R. Villablanca-Ahues, R. Nagl, T. Zeiner and P. Jaeger Aqueous-organic and aqueous-vapor interfacial phenomena for three phase systems containing CO2, CH4, n-butanol, n-dodecane and H2O at saturation conditions
Eveline Kuhnert, Kurt Mayer, Mathias Heidinger, Christine Rienessel, Viktor Hacker and Merit Bodner Impact of intermittent operation on photovoltaic-PEM electrolyzer systems: A degradation study based on accelerated stress testing
Max Vogi, Maximilian Neubauer, Susanne Lux and Thomas Wallek Triethylene Glycol as Entrainer for 1-Propanol + Water Mixtures