Degree and Certificate Programmes

© TU Graz/Helmut Lunghammer
In this section of the Faculty website there is an overview, where you can read about all the important information on the new bachelor's and the master's degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences as well as the Doctoral Schools.

Check what you expect – Advisory Services for Prospective Students

Students and lecturers will introduce you to the two degree programs and will be happy to answer questions, such as expectations, ideas about studying, job opportunities after graduation, etc.

The next dates for interested in the Bachelor's degree programs in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics will take place on 03.04.2025 and on 03.06.2025 at 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Take the opportunity to gain a first insight into the campus and book a consultation appointment HERE.



Professional experience and honorary position in the Bachelor's degree program in Mechanical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics

Dates for credits in the summer semester 2025

Professional practice
acc. according to the curriculum, you have the opportunity to have a non-university technical internship of max. 9 ECTS (MB) or 10 ECTS (WIMB) credited once as a free subject, each full-time week corresponds to 1.5 ECTS. To apply, please submit a work certificate/internship confirmation stating the type and duration of employment as well as the scope of employment. The Dean of Studies will ultimately decide on the crediting.

Honorary position
100 confirmed voluntary and unpaid hours worked for a social organization in 2 consecutive semesters in which there is a valid admission to a regular course of study at TU Graz can be taken into account with 4 free ECTS credits.


Organization see or


Crediting only takes place on the specified dates, please send the required documents to, please call 0316/ 873 7116 if you have any questions.

Summer semester:
Friday, May 23, 2025
Friday, July 25, 2025
Friday, September 19, 2025

Deans of Studies

Dean of Studies
Thomas Hochrainer
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math.techn. Dr.-Ing.

Vice-Dean of Studies
Bernd Markus Zunk
Assoc.Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Dean of Studies for the Master's program Production Science and Management
Hannes Hick

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.


Further information for students

Students of TU Graz can find further information in TU4U (Intranet).

Links in TU4U

Procedures and Documents: