Current Projects:

The project FLAMENCO (Forward Looking Approaches for Green Mobility Ecosystem Network Collaboration) goal is to analyse and pilot forward looking approaches and methods to enable and make sustainable the collaboration on the skills intelligence in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem. It is the direct support of the Pact for Skills large-scale partnership implementation in the Automotive-Mobility Ecosystem - Automotive Skills Alliance. The challenge is to make the collaboration of the partnership pragmatic and sustainable (outreach to other Pact for Skills partnerships as a good practice) so that it brings valuable info about the new technological and societal trends, related skills needs training offer/needs and other goals in terms of the skills intelligence leading up to the re-/up-skilling within the European mobility ecosystem. The project main activities will be to analyse the sector in cooperation with stakeholders in terms of the needs, tools, requirements and goals of the sectoral collaboration on skills intelligence via different methods, such as desk research, survey or workshop all validated by the sectoral stakeholders. Finding will be implemented in the methodology, methods and models for the collaboration and unified methodology and approach will be provided and further tested and piloted on individual focus groups. Project will develop recommendations and good practices in form of case studies and will provide them alongside with tested, frequently updated and validated methods which are to be rolled-out in different Pact for Skills partnerships and sustained after the project ends. All of this is supported by strong partnership with background and experience with skills agenda, pioneering Pact for Skills partnership as a full partner, strategical projects and implementation of such activities. Dissemination will assure that the impact of the project is consistent and on the desired level to the all Pact for Skills community in Europe.
The Mobility-Transport-Automotive Ecosystem will belong to the most visible ones to demonstrate the transition of the European economy towards a green and digital economy. Automotive-Mobility is one of the major industries in Europe. The twin transformation the European society and economy is facing will change the landscape of key actors. This will be further strengthened by strong interlinkages between different players in the ecosystem – from automotive value chain, IT sector and different applications, new energy carriers in the transportation as well as to new applications around services, logistics, interconnectivity or connected and automated vehicles.

HYATTWIN (in cooperation with Andritz Hydro)

EuroSecurity (in cooperation with AIT)

AutoCyber (in cooperation with KTM)

Recent Projects:

The overarching objective of OPEN-INNO-Train is to form an international and inter-sectoral network of organisations collaboratively working on the joint research field of Open Innovation, University-Industry Cooperation and Research Translation. To facilitate Knowledge Development and Sharing in four contemporary areas - FinTech, Industry 4.0, CleanTech, FoodTech. For globally interconnected societies, scientific research has the potential to foster yet unrealised economic growth, competitiveness, and wellbeing. The conversion of research outputs into tangible outcomes, and, ultimately, sustainable impact is critically important and needs optimising. The process of converting research findings into economic and social benefits appears increasingly complex at a time when researchers often work in multidisciplinary teams, in a context of Open Innovation when cooperating with industry and other stakeholders. Illuminating it from the perspective of Research Translation, an approach increasingly gaining traction in the specific setting of University-Industry Collaboration, OPEN-INNO-TRAIN aims at opening the black box of knowledge conversion processes to generate and apply new insights from those four industry areas. Furthermore, OPEN-INNO-TRAIN encapsulates the development of robust Research Translation tools capable of facilitating the translation process of multidisciplinary research findings for the generation of impact. Combining scientific excellence from European and international universities, Research and Technology Organisations with hands on expertise from pioneering companies, OPEN-INNO-TRAIN will spearhead this sustainable venture using digital innovation hubs, co-tutelle, industrial PhDs, PPPs and training measures to encourage international cooperation among researchers and industry practitioners across disciplines whose final aim is to holistically foster, enhance and sustain over time the application of good research translation practices.
Industry and society are experiencing the transformational impact of the autonomous systems revolution, empowered by automation capabilities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Cyber-physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) define a multi-faceted and dynamic environment where autonomy is fundamental to govern the complexity of interactions between the virtual and physical worlds with minimal human intervention. However, even when the most advanced degree of autonomy is exercised, the human is a variable which cannot be left out of the CPSoS equation, particularly in safety critical scenarios like autonomous transportation. TEACHING puts forward a vision of humans at the centre of autonomous CPSoS, by embracing the concept of Humanistic Intelligence, where the cybernetic and biological entities cooperate in a mutual empowerment towards a shared goal and where human feedback becomes a crucial driver for CPSoS adaptivity. TEACHING addresses the challenge by integrating AI with fundamental concepts of security and dependability stemming from the AI-human-CPSoS interactions, and by considering their impact on the underlying computing system. TEACHING develops a human-aware CPSoS for autonomous safety-critical applications, based on a distributed, energy-efficient and dependable AI, leveraging edge computing platforms integrating specialized computing fabric for AI and in-silico support for intelligent cybersecurity. The goal is to design a computing software and system supporting the development and deployment of adaptive and dependable CPSoS applications, allowing to exploit a sustainable human feedback to drive, optimize and personalize the provisioning of the offered services. TEACHING outcomes will fundamentally impact the development of autonomous safetycritical systems, providing means to improve their safety, dependability and overall acceptability. This impact will be demonstrated by TEACHING in two pilots concerning autonomous driving and aviation.
CYBERENG is working on the definition of training and skill set for automotive cybersecurity engineers and managers, together with a certification scheme to foster the recognition of this qualification. Automotive cybersecurity is a new challenge for the European Automotive companies additionally complicated by the absence of qualified persons or even qualification schemes. Faced with the complex challenges of integrating cybersecurity engineering and managing into the existing processes, considering electric/electronics and software, as well as product design, development, and manufacturing, these companies experience a substantial gap between the quality engineering skills of recent graduates and their actual needs and expectations. This gap leads to a significant decrease in efficiency, effectiveness and therefore competitiveness of these companies. Upcoming regulation like the draft proposal to introduce a regulation on cybersecurity for road vehicles type approval, which is prepared by UNECE WP.29 – Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations is only increasing the urgency to address cybersecurity. Summarized there are currently two major requirements for the automotive domain prepared by UNECE WP29. There is a need to have a Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS) and each vehicle type needs evidence about the achievement of cybersecurity. The CSMS must include processes for risk identification and management (assessment, categorization, treatment, verification of treatment), security testing, updating of the risk assessment, monitoring and reaction on cyberattacks and identification and reaction to new threats. The processes need to cover the whole lifecycle (development, production, post-production) and supply chain. For each vehicle type, a risk-based approach (risk assessment, risk treatment, testing of risk treatment) need to be demonstrated.
The qualification measure aims to increase the knowledge and competencies of the participating companies with regard to sustainable innovation. It should reach the organizations impulses, which competitive advantages through sustainable competitive advantages through sustainable competitive advantages. At the same time, digital competencies are to be built up and organizational learning should be supported.
The qualification measure aims to increase the knowledge and competencies of the participating companies with regard to sustainable innovation. It should reach the organizations impulses, which competitive advantages through sustainable competitive advantages through sustainable competitive advantages. At the same time, digital competencies are to be built up and organizational learning should be supported.
The aim of the project is to enable the realization of the aims of the Blueprint, namely the delivery of human capital solutions to supply chain SMEs through the establishment of an Automotive Sector Skills Alliance covering all levels of the value chain (vehicle production, automotive suppliers and automotive sales and aftermarket services). A SSA will be established to build upon the GEAR 2030 work, whilst proposing concrete and practical initiatives to address skills challenges, in particular through facilitating mobility of workers within automotive. Through this approach, a sustainable cooperation on skills development across the value chain and through concrete initiatives will be realised during the project, with four distinct aims: 1. Harness existing and proven Skills Frameworks in European countries (UK, GE), modernize them to cope with future automotive trends (using expert analysis companies), and look at the deployment into new countries (like e.g. PT, SK, RO, SP, CZ etc.). 2. Enable mutual recognition of awards between formal and informal automotive education, VET and universities, and across Europe in order to enhance the use and success of government funded mobility programmes such as Erasmus+ KA1. 3. Implementation of common European automotive skills umbrella and integration of existing skills frameworks (Sector skills council, ECQA, AQUA, SkillMan, Skills Passport, etc.) including pilot trainings. 4. Project aims to build on the successful deployment of the Apprenticeship Marketplace by enhancing its effectiveness for automotive job seekers. An IT infrastructure will be implemented to detail common job requirements, which will be available for job seeking, training providers namely universities, VET providers and more, as well as forming a market place job offers on local, nation and European levels. Through the realization of the four aims, GEAR 2030’s strategy pilot implementation can be delivered and built upon through the Blueprint SSA.
This project aims to develop
- A skill set for an electric powertrain engineer
+ including functional design and safety topics
+ whole life cycle/production
- A set of training materials
- A Europe wide certificate for electric powertrain engineers in cooperation and based on ECTS and ECVET schemas.
To support the change from combustion engine to electric powertrain it is needed to attack this issue in parallel.
Measurable objectives:
- Skills set developed
- Training materials developed
The HyUnify platform integrates a cloud oriented architecture used in an real-time embedded systems context in the domain of hydro-electric power generation. A strategic goal is to support components used for optimization of energy production and grid stability on all layers of control (generators, power plant, and possibly grid level).
The HyUnify platform integrates a cloud oriented architecture used in an real-time embedded systems context in the domain of hydro-electric power generation. A strategic goal is to support components used for optimization of energy production and grid stability on all layers of control (generators, power plant, and possibly grid level).
Study regarding functional and non-functional requirements for a Industrial IoT.
Seamless model based design for saftey relevant embedded automotive systems
This project aims at implementing a certified on-line training about Best and Next Practices in implementing ISO15504 Quality, ISO26262 Functional Safety and Reliability in Automotive, unique and highly demanded by automotive companies in view of the exponentially rising complexity of functions controlled by software and electronics in modern cars. However, this should only be the first step in a long-term strategic alliance, and the partners synergies will be largely enhanced via their networks: - Automotive Sys conferences by VDA - EuroSPI conferences by ISCN - EMIRAcle research and academy network. Our partnership is innovative, because it allows covering the entire life cycle of a specific Automotive Qualification (i.e., agreeing, specifying, developing, deploying, disseminating and certifying skills) within ONE consortium. Our concrete aim is to create - a unique complementary sustainable strategic alliance for the implementation and Europe-wide deployment of modern certified VET Curricula in Quality, Functional Safety, and Reliability on an organisational level. - a complete certified VET on-line training program (alternatively 3-days classroom training) on Best and Next Practices in implementing ISO15504 Quality, ISO26262 Functional Safety and Reliability in Automotive. - significant impact during the project, which will be the basis for successful broad exploitation, by a very strict and targeted dissemination strategy mainly facilitated by the Automotive Associations (which influence and decide about Automotive VET Training and Education curricula all over their countries) and all associated networks.
The best european practices of Automotive Quality Engineering will be prepared and the knowledge transferred to the higher education, based on a great demand identified in the European Automotive Industry. This proposed strategic partnership project will benefit from the results of the AQUA EAC-2012-635_ENV 2 project, and the results will be implemented in courses of directly participating universities from the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Austria and implemented by partners on other universities e.g. France. All these universities educate thousands of engineers needed by the automotive OEMs and suppliers represented in the aforementioned European countries and beyond. Faced with the complex challenges of holistic quality engineering taking into account mechanics, electric/electronics and software, as well as product design, development, and manufacturing, these companies experience a substantial gap between the quality engineering skills of recent graduates and their actual needs and expectations. This gap leads to a significant decrease in efficiency, effectiveness and therefore competitiveness of these companies. AQUA includes Automotive Quality Manager training with a European wide certificate. The trainers will be trained to be able to hold courses at the universities as a standard higher education course. Trainers will also share knowledge with other trainers. Courses will be ECTS granted courses with the certificate obtained from the ECQA (European Certification and Qualification Association). Also an online training environment as a part of the ECQA online campus will be set up, allowing joint teaching across the universities.
The functional safety of modern products containing embedded systems has become a first priority in several industrial sectors. The IEC61508 group of standards require companies to have in place "Functional Safety Management". The objective of SafEUr is to create a European-wide accredited training and certification program for Functional Safety Managers, based on a skill card which is compliant to the European Qualification Framework. It will deliver modern e-Learning based training, that is based on practical case studies and best industry practices. This training will be complemented by a world-wide unique web-based integration platform for industry and academia in the domain of Embedded Systems. SafEUr trainers and trainees will be trained and certified all over Europe, assuring a major impact and sustainability of the program. High-impact international dissemination channels to industry and academia will be deployed in order to involve and inform external partners. Within the Europe-wide established framework of the ECQA a new project called SafEUr - Cerified Functional Safety Manager - with six partners coming from five European countries has been started in November 2011. The goal of SafEUr is to develop a europe-wide agreed syllabus and skills set for a Certified Functional Safety Manager with a clear focus on practice. The need for qualified safety personnel is obvious. The need for a commonly agreed skills set becomes clear, if one looks at the content of all the different trainings offered nowadays with respect to safety. Training material around practical case studies is currently being created for the following subjects: Introduction to Functional Safety Management Management of Functional Safety Engineering aspects of Functional Safety Legal aspects of Safety Safety on Product Level
The aim of the project is the definition and development of a telematics based European infrastructure and organisation for ICT curriculum providing a range of co-authoring, co-learning, simulation- and laboratory practice-based learning facilities. RIPLECS project aims at adapting DIPSEIL system to enable real-world experiments remotely in an e-learning context of "Information and Communication Systems (ICS)" curriculum: Identification of user needs in practical ICT education and translation into functional specifications of Remote-labs access in Internet-based Performance-centred Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (RIPLECS). Development and validation of prototype of telematics based ICT educational service RIPLECS. Experimental study and analysis of new instrument 'Remoteness' in IPLECS environment through practical tasks performance. The students will be able to interact with the remote experiment, change parameters and in some cases modify and design experiments. RIPLECS platform enables distribution of resources, in terms of lab-experiments, by utilizing multiple Web servers in a single network topology. Instructors from different European countries can take the advantages of employing a running lab-experiment and present in their native language and personal educational point of view.Each supervisor will have the opportunity to review users' performance by his own criteria, according to the assessments rules for each experiment, which are defined in the RIPLECS application server. With the integration of telecommunication technologies and computer science with virtual instrumentation, real, remote laboratories can be developed and accessed through Internet in real time, ensuring a richer collaborative experience for the student while avoiding some of the growing limitations of traditional laboratories, such as the lack of enough work area, expensive instrumentation, lack of personnel, time assigned to a laboratory, and their availability in non-working office hours. Educational Objectives Wireless Sensor Nodes and Networks * Generic structure of sensor nodes * Interaction of the units * WSN communication Energy Considerations for WSNs * Power consumption of sensor nodes * Network considerations * Energy harvesting * Low power techniques WSN Application Scenario: Wireless alarm system
The aim of this project is to develop a novel methodology for automotive, cost-efficient, safety-relevant control system development that allows achieving two a priori contradicting goals of being safe and being cost-efficient as well. While safety will be achieved by explicitly considering safety concerns during systems engineering, cost-efficiency will be ensured by explicitly planning for reuse. The approach is to combine outcomes of recent research efforts and particular characteristics of mature methodologies to reach these ambitious goals.
The development of hybrid vehicle technology is most actual and important task of modern automotive industry. The hybrid control software is a key element of this technology. At present, almost all the OEMs are developing hybrid vehicles with various topologies (configuration of hybrid drive train), various used hybrid components (electric motor(s), battery, ), various applications (passenger car, taxi, city bus, truck, ) for various markets, etc. As the literature and patent search shows, this variability is reflected in many different variants of hybrid control software architecture and implementation. Such an approach individual software for each new hybrid variant, - leads to enormous increase of development costs and quite limited reusability of the control software. On the other hand, the number of basic hybrid functionalities remains limited. By use of an appropriate approach, for instance, the one based on synthetic driving cycle and corresponding generalized vehicle driving maneuvers, it is possible to describe the hybrid functionalities systematically and to find a common basis for different hybrid variants. This paves the way for common software architecture with software components having the same structure and functions that can to a large extent be used for different hybrid variants. The aim of the present project is to develop such generic hybrid control software by using modern software development processes. The most important attributes of this generic software shall be high reusability of software components and its real scalability i.e. the software shall be easily extendable to accommodate new or modified hybrid functions, new advanced control algorithms, and ability to deal not only with various hybrid topologies, but also with various interference configurations.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc MBA Georg Macher
Institute of Technical Informatics