

04.02.2021: Die Zukunft der Energiewirtschaft, WEC Vienna

15.11.2019: Technik im Spannungsfeld von Naturwissenschaft, Politik und Ökonomie, TU Graz

11.09.2017: Treibhausgasbilanzierung von Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen, Universität Graz

17.05.2017: Treibhausgas-Emissionsprofile der Universität Klagenfurt und der BOKU in Wien, Universität Klagenfurt

16.05.2017: Sharing Economy, an der Universität Ljubljana

09.05.2017: A Strategy for Demand Respond Service Systems (DRST) in Styria, STS-Konferenz Graz

28.04.2017: CO2-Bilanzierung von Universitäten, GAIA-Jahrestagung, Vienna

09.03.2017: Parking Management as Part of Sustainably Mobility Management of Universities. The Case of Austriar 1st European Conference on Sustainable Mobility at Universities, University of Barcelona

25.01.2017: Die Zukunft der Mobilität, Institut für Soziologie, TU Berlin (invited)

12.01.2017: Ziel: Klimafreundliche Universität, klimafreundliche Hochschule, Fachkonferenz „Klimaschutz an Universtäten“ an der BOKU Vienna

28.10.2016: The Future of Mobility. Trends and Visions, Environmental futures seminar series, University of Kopenhagen 

25.10.2016: Der Wert des Hauses: Was ist gut?, TU Graz

17.06.2016: Die Zukunft der Energiewirtschaft, FH Kapfenberg

17.05.2016: The Future of Mobility. Trends, Visions, Roadmaps, University of Ljubljana, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften 

07.04.2016: Generation Y. Permanentes Leben mit Dem Smartphone im Verkehr, REGIOmove 2016, Leoben

08.02.2016: System Change Not Climate Change, Graz 

29.01.2016: Technikfolgenabschätzung RFID. RFID-Qualifizierungsnetztwerk 2, TU Graz

19.11.2015: Connected. Cities and Universities. Opportunities, Challenges and Obstacles of a Severe Love Affair. Plovdiv as a Booming Economic Center and 2019 European Capital of Culture: The Role of Universities, University Plovdiv (invited)

11.11.2015: Einführung in die Technikphilosophie. Religionspädagogische Hochschule Linz (invited)

19.5.2015: Saturated. The End of Growth. Technological Challenges and Opportunities, Winners and Losers. Science and Society, University Ljubljana (invited)

27.5.2014: Saturated. The end of growth and what technology has got to do with it. Science and Society, University Ljubljana (invited)

6.5.2014: Limits of Energy Counseling - the Case of Styrian Architects. 13th Annual STS Conference Graz 2014 "Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies"

31.3.2014: Soziokulturelle Aspekte von RFID. RFID Qualifizierungsnetzwerk at the Technical University Graz (invited)

12.11.2013: Reducing the carbon footprint of the research system. JPI Climate Online Conference: Climate Friendly Climate Research, Wien (selected)

21.10.2013: Wissenschaft im Wandel - Ist Open Science die Zukunft? Introduction for a podium discussion in Graz on the topic Sciences in Change - Is Open Science the Future? (invited)

13.6.2013: Umweltwirkungen von Produkten. Auftaktveranstaltung der Steirischen Informationsplattform zur Unterstützung der umwelt- und klimafreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung, Graz (invited)

Christian Dayé

Invited Talks

The Social Life of Methods: Lessons from Cold War Social Science (Delphi Method and Political Gaming). Invited lecture in a series jointly organized by the sociological institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, November 28, 2019.

Think Tanks in Austria: Do We See the Long Shadow of Corporatism Ending? Presentation at Think Tanks in the Knowledge Society, International Meeting, Speyer, Germany, December 4-5, 2015.

Soziologische Perspektiven zur Wahrheit [Sociological perspectives on truth]. Invited lecture at Meine, Deine, keine Wahrheit: Die Rolle der Wahrheit in der religionspluralen Gesellschaft, a conference organized by the Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, Germany, September 10-11, 2014.

Paper presentations

Mechanismen der wechselseitigen Nichtbeachtung: Versuch einer Systematik. [Mechanisms of mutual oblivion: a systematic.] Presentation at the 2019 Congress of the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS), Salzburg, September 26-29, 2019.

In Hope for Ignorance? A Popitzean Assessment of the Current Regulation of Genome Editing in EU Agriculture. Presentation at the 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 – Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz, Austria, May 6-7, 2019.

An Oracle Pushed to the Limit: Norman C. Dalkey’s Attempt to Assess the Correctness of Value Judgments with Delphi Procedures, and Some Reflections on the Nature of Knowledge in Decision Processes. Presentation at the 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 – Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz, Austria, May 6-7, 2019.

How the History of Sociology Can Inform Contemporary Theorizing in Sociology: A Framework. Presentation in the session “Innovations in Social Theorizing” (July 16, 2018),  16 – Sociological Theory, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018.

Historical Epistemology in the Historiography of the Social Sciences: Three Examples. Presentation in the Regular Session History of Sociology/Social Thought, 112th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 15, 2017.

After the Death of Progress: What Drives the Social Sciences? Presentation at Interdisciplinary Futures: Open the Social Sciences 20 Years Later, International Conference at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, January 19‑20, 2017. Together with Christian Fleck.

Against the Grain: Some Problems in Transferring STS Principles into the Study of Social Sciences. Presentation at the 2016 Spring School of the Doctoral Program on Sociology and History of the Social and Cultural Sciences (SHSCS) at the University of Graz, April 4–6, 2016.

Studies of Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) on the Brink of Failure, and Where to Move it from There. Presentation at Living in Technoscientific Worlds, International Conference Celebrating the Launch of STS Austria, Vienna, December 3-5, 2015. Together with Fran Osrecki.

The Expert as Messenger: Media Philosophy and the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences. Presentation at the workshop Dimensionen des Wissens: normativ – kreativ – subversiv [Dimensions of knowledge: normative – creative – subversive], Graz, October 20-21, 2015.

Against the Grain: Why Transferring STS Principles into Studies of Social Sciences & Humanities Will Turn Out to be Difficult. Presentation at SKAT 25: New Directions after a Quarter-Century of the Sociology of Science, Knowledge, and Technology, mini-conference organized by the Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association, August 21, 2015. Together with Fran Osrecki.

Positivism? What Positivism? Remarks on the Nature and Role of Positivism in US Cold War Social Science, 1950-1965. Presentation at the 2015 Meeting of the Network for the History of Empirical Social Research, Potsdam, Germany, June 25–27, 2015.

Die Helfer der Auguren: Experten und Prognosemethoden im Kalten Krieg. [The Augurs‘ Helpers: Experts and Methods of Prognosis in the Cold War.] Presentation at the conference Geschichte der Sozialwissenschaften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Organisation – Idiome – Praktiken [History of the Social Sciences in the 19th and 20th century: Organization – Idioms – Practices], Essen, Germany, March 26-27, 2015.

Sozialwissenschaftliche Prognostik in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges und die Bedeutung tribaler Wissenskulturen. [Social scientific prognosis in the Cold War era and the relevance of tribal epistemic cultures.] Presentation at the workshop Soziologie der Wissenskulturen. Zur Spezifik soziologischer Wissensproduktion [The Sociology of Epistemic Cultures: On the Specificity of sociological knowledge production], Augsburg, Germany, March 19-20, 2015.

Die Erfindung und Diffusion sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden im Kalten Krieg. [Invention and Diffusion of social scientific methods during the Cold War.] Presentation at the workshop Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Soziologie [History of German Sociology], Graz, Austria, Dezember 12-13, 2014. Together with Matthias Duller.

Why Dead Ends May Remain Well–Trodden Paths: Epistemic Hopes and Obstacles in the History of the Delphi Technique. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, July 13–19, 2014.

Armin SPÖK

3.12.2019: Participative development and prioritization of review questions in a highly controversial policy field – case study on evidence. Invited webinar held in the context of the Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative

16.10.2019 Genome Editing in der Pflanzenzucht, Governance-Herausforderungen  Invited lecture at the  Ethics Platform. Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna

1.09.2016: Implementing Open Science in GMO Risk Research - Experiences and Challenges, 4S/EASST Conference 2016: Science and Technology by Other Means, Barcelona

26.08.2016: Systematic Reviews and Complexity: the Case of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Plants, First International Conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Better Evidence, Better Decisions, Better Environment, Stockholm

25.08.2016: Experiences with and Challenges of Stakeholder Engagement in Systematic Reviews on GMO Impact Topics, First International Conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Better Evidence, Better Decisions, Better Environment, Stockholm

10.05.2016: When Regulatory Science Meets Open Science – Implementing Open Science in GMO Risk Research, 15th Annual STS Conference Graz 2016: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies. S20: The role of webvideos in science and research communication., Graz

30.06.2016: Moving towards Open Science and Upstream Public Engagement, RiskOGM Seminar “Public participation in research and expertise on GMOs in Europe”, Paris (invited)

23.04.2016: Moving towards Open Science and Upstream Public Engagement, Scientific Colloquium Agricultural biotechnology – risk/safety assessment, impact assessment and importance for a bio-based economy, Quedlingburg

13.11.2015: Stakeholder Involvement in GRACE, Meeting of the subcommittee on ethics and societal aspects of the Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM), Utrecht (invited)

16.12.2014: Stakeholder Involvement and Transparency in G-TwYST, Stakeholder Workshop on 2-Year Animal Feeding Studies with GM Maize, Wien

13.11.2014: Evidence Synthesis: The GRACE Approach, International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO), Kapstadt

12.11.2014: Stakeholder Scrutiny of GMO Toxicity Studies,  International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO), Kapstadt

07.11.2014: Stakeholder Involvement in GRACE Evidence Synthesis, Workshop der Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) on Stakeholder Involvement in Evidence Synthesis, Kapstadt

09.11.2014: Die Kontroverse um die grüne Gentechnik. Facetten, Triebkräfte und Folgen, Bio-Stammtisch der Austrian Biologist Association, Graz (invited)

04.04.2014: Einbindung von Stakeholder-Interessen, Veranstaltung: Symposium Pflanzenforschung im EU-Programm Horizon 2020, Quedlinburg (invited)

19.06.2013: Overview of Human Health, Environmental, Labelling and Efficacy Challenges, Ottawa (invited)

18.06.2013, Current regulatory frameworks in the European Union, Ottawa (invited)

10.06.2013: MBCPs and Current Eco-Labelling Approaches in the Euroopean Union, Ottawa (invited)

24.01.2013: Risikoabschätzung in der grünen Gentechnik. Eine Langzeitkontroverse und kein Ende in Sicht?,  Klassensitzung der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien

Bernhard WIESER

30.08.2017: The delegation of care to technological means, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Athen 09.05.2017: Carbon, Carbs and Care: the Footprint of Cycling, 16th Annual STS Conference Graz 2017, Graz

30.09.2016: What makes a bicycle unsustainable?, Cycling & Society: Annual Symposium, Lancaster 06.11.2015: The role of the social scientist in the social study of genomics, Sociology between Producing Knowledge and Shaping Society: Meeting on the 50th Anniversary of the Slovenian Sociological Association, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana 12.11.2015: Cultures of Participation: the case of prenatal testing, Public Participation in socio-technical innovation processes with fragmented responsibilities: the case of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, Institut „Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft“ (IMEW), Berlin 26.08.2015: Challenges of Whole Genome Sequencing, 12th ESA Conference "Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination", Prag

27.08.2015: Maintaining Inequality through Informed Consent, 12th ESA Conference "Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination", Prag 11.08.2015: Prenatal Testing in Context. STS Perspectives on a ‘Routine’ Medical Practice, Guest lecture at Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at Wollongong University, Wollongong 12.05.2015: From ELSA to RRI, 14th Annual STS Conference Graz 2015 "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies", Graz 11.12.2014: Teilnahmebereitschaft von KrebspatientInnen an medizinischen Forschungsprojekten, Projektpräsentation: Tumorheterogenität, Graz

05.05.2014: Tumour Diagnostics, 13th Annual IAS-STS Conference ‘Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies’, Graz 11.03.2014: Collaborative Research,  ITA Seminar, Wien 14.05.2013: The Emergence of ELSA, Dealing with Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of the Biosciences, Ljubljana ·