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CSBME Newsletter

Provided by the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
newsletter.csbme@tugraz.at | Follow us on Twitter


We are pleased to announce a new series of events: The BME-Talks!
You are cordially invited to take part in the premiere:
BME-Talk #1
Rüdiger Rupp (Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg): "Overcoming paralysis with Assistive Technology"
June 17th, 2024 | 5:30 pm | Aula, TU Graz


HabilTalk #2
Roman Kern: "Towards Causal Data Science for Non-Independent Data"
21 May, 2024 | 6 pm | Showroom, Data House, 136E


Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
May 24th, 2024 | Campus Inffeldgasse


Austrian Computer Science Day 2024
June 14th, 2024 | University of Vienna


Annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT) 2024
October 24th - 25th, 2024 | TU Graz

Faculty News

Online puzzle to solve mystery of ancient slab
In the computer game "Open Reassembly" from TU Graz and the University of Graz, users can put together almost 100 fragments of an ancient marble slab. Archaeologists have not yet succeeded in putting them in order, but now users are to do so.


Austrian Science Fund ‘Cluster of Excellence’ Funding for “Bilateral AI”
"With six top-class scientists from the fields of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, Graz University of Technology is making a significant contribution to the research work of the Cluster of Excellence," explains Robert Legenstein (IGI).


The future of brain-computer interfaces in medicine
For an article, the journal "nature medicine" spoke with Gernot Müller-Putz (Dean of Faculty) about brain-computer interfaces (BCI).


Projekt Wanzendrohne
The aim of the "Projekt Wanzendrohne" is to develop a system for the mechanical control of introduced stink bugs.


CS-Talk #13
Margarita Chli (ETH Zurich & University of Cyprus) gave an exciting lecture on March 13 on the topic "Vision-based robotic perception: are we there yet?" Find out more about the CS Talk #13 and the Speaker's Dinner here.


Open Day 2024
The Open Day 2024 is over and we look forward to welcoming many interested students next year!


RoboCupJunior Austrian Open
The 16th RoboCupJunior Austrian Open, which took place last Thursday and Friday at the Messe Graz with TU Graz as host, was featured on the ORF program "Steiermark heute".


Survey: A student at the JKU/FH Upper Austria asks students from the field of computer science to take part in her survey.

Jobs, Grants, Open Calls

Academic Staff

Peer Advisor at CSBME (Student Assistent)
As a peer advisor, you support Erasmus Incomings and new Master's students.
- from 01.10.2024 – 30.6.2025 for 2 hrs per week
- Master students from CS, SEM, ICE, CSS and BME are welcome to apply
- experience with study abroad is an advantage


Grants, Open Calls

Annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT)
- Papers: Submission Deadline 1st of June 2024
- Stefan Schuy Prize of the ÖGBMT: Submission Deadline 15th of May 2024
- Student competition "CSBME Award 2024": Submission Deadline 1st of June 2024


Critical Infrastructure Award 
The Critical Infrastructure Award is intended to recognize young scientists in the fields of computer science, (business) informatics, communications engineering, electrical engineering and automation engineering, or similar.
Deadline: September 20, 2024


Nano EHS, 2024
Nano EHS is a research focus of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and deals with safety and risk-related issues in the field of nanomaterials and advanced materials. Details on two different submission options can be found on the FFG-Website.
Deadline: June 14, 2024 


Scholarship David-Herzog-Fund
The David-Herzog-Fond supports the work of scientists, students and artists through four program tracks and is supported by all Styrian universities since it was established in 2005.


Scholarships - CSBME

Merit-based Scholarships 2023/2024 "Leistungsstipendien"
The Faculty awards merit-based scholarships once a year to students who have achieved above-average academic success.


Promotional Scholarships 2024 "Förderungsstipendien"
Promotional scholarships are awarded twice a year to degree students to provide support in writing academic theses.

Doctoral Examinations

Info: Candidates can take the final examination (presentation and oral exam) online via video conference call (e.g. Webex) if all parties involved agree. The requirement of publicity can be ensured as follows: Candidates may distribute the meeting link; requests to participate in the video exam can also be sent by e-mail to the chairperson of the exam commission.

Gigerl Barbara
Efficient and Secure Masking Schemes to Counteract Power Analysis Attacks in Practice
Tuesday, 4th June 2024 | 1 pm | webex


Bogensperger Lea
Variational Methods for Imaging Meet Machine Learning
Friday, 7th June 2024 | 3pm | SR ICG


Schinagl David Jakob
From Explanation to Optimization: Advancing LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection
Thursday, 13th June 2024 | 9 am | SR ICG


Sagbauer Nanna Nora
The Role of Makerspaces in Formal Technical Secondary Education
Thursday, 13th June 2024 | tba | tba


Fruhwirth Michael
Designing Support for Data-Driven Business Model Innovation in Offline-Established Organizations
Thursday, 13th June 2024 | 9 pm | DH054


Eder Matthias
Improving Robot Navigation in Unstructured Environments Using Traversability Analysis and Explainable Path Planning
Thursday, 20th June 2024 | tba | tba


Ainetter Stefan
Scene Understanding in Robotic Vision
Monday, 24 th June 2024 | 2 pm | tba


Reiter-Haas Markus
Computational Framing Analysis for Polarized Topics Online
Thursday, 27th June 2024 | 1 pm | tba and webex


De Bortoli Marco
Coordinating a Multi-Agent System in Intralogistics Domains using Temporal Planning and Flexible Plan Execution
Monday, 1st July 2024 | tba | tba


Pilz Christoph
V2X-as-a-Sensor Components, Performance, and Rating the Surrounding V2X Field
Monday, 25th July 2024 | tba | tba

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Banner: © Lunghammer – TU Graz

Next newsletter: May 28th, 2024 | Editorial deadline: May 27th, 2024