Winter snow brings joy, but its excess harms infrastructure, electricity, roads, and flights, risking lives. Eco-friendly coating slows ice formation, reduces adhesion, is durable, and adaptable. Anti-icing materials will transform our cold-day experiences. |
Gabriel Hernández Rodriguez, Chemical Engineer from BUAP, Mexico, emigrated to Germany in 2015 and obtained a Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from CAU, Kiel. Since 2021, he has been pursuing a doctoral degree at TU Graz as part of the EU-funded "SURFICE" project, focusing on developing new technologies for efficient ice prevention and control in industrial applications.
Begrüßung Andrea HÖGLINGER, Vizerektorin für Forschung an der TU Graz
Referent Gabriel HERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Doktorand am Institut für Festkörperphysik der TU Graz
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22. Mai 2024, 19:00 - 22:00
TU Graz, Alte Technik, Rechbauerstraße 12, 1. Stock, Aula, 8010 Graz
Abhaltungssprache: Englisch
Patricia GÖTZ
alumniTUGraz 1887
Tel.: +43 316 873 7191